• Thank you so much Holly for being with us and staying late. Your support was invaluable. No words can describe how much you helped us. You are amazing and I will be eternally grateful for your presence as it made such a difference. Thank you a million times.

    G,S &R

  • Holly and I had a good bond which we developed early on ……Holly displayed empathy and kindness with my situation and any worries or questions I had. She never judged me and supported all my decisions, which I made based on the information she provided. She is a friend for life now and my baby will be lucky to know her.


  • Holly stayed throughout the 41 hour labour and then c-section. She helped me with initiating breastfeeding and made sure I had food and a drink before the midwives took over.

  • Holly administered my post c-section injections, cooked me food and cuddled my baby whilst I went for short walks. She remained flexible and always available for me to message.

  • Holly went above and beyond. My birth ended up being far from what we planned due to pain and exhaustion and it was very traumatic……..I cannot imagine going through all that I did without Holly there supporting us as we made each new decision, giving me so much encouragement every single moment…….she was just amazing.


  • It was so special coming back into the room with our beautiful little girl on my chest to see Holly waiting!

  • Holly is very warm and maternal. She is incredibly supportive in all her communication and just amazing in person. Ive always felt do affirmed and encouraged by her…….shes very knowledgable, very emotionally intelligent and incredibly kind.

  • I was so grateful for Holly for providing additional support during labour ……she was brilliant.

  • Thank you so much for being our Doula for the birth of little *****. We are so grateful that you were able to be with us every step of the way as things unfolded into what was a slightly wild, amazing free birth! You were so calm, respectful and supportive throughout, not to mention professional and we fully trusted having you with us……I will continue to share how amazing it is to have a Doula, with every pregnant person I meet. Thank you, thank you for everything.


  • I don’t know where to start to say thank you for Doulaing for us. We can’t imagine having done it all without you championing us to keep going at every hurdle.

  • 100% consider having a Doula, at least for the birth. Partners are good, but not as good as a Doula!